Land Policy Studies

Project details


West Bank Gaza (Palestine)


Ministry of Planning, Palestine

Project Timeframe

January - September 2007

Key Services

Governance, Policy & Institutional Strengthening

Land Administration

Assess the feasibility of introducing reforms in land administration

Project Narrative

The objective of this project is to assess the feasibility of introducing reforms in land administration within an emerging government structure by enabling the formulation of policy, legal and institutional changes to achieve efficient procedures for the issuance of land titles and registration of property transactions, and transparent processes for the management and disposal of public land. This component supports consensus building through consultations and public hearings for the formulation of a national framework for land policy. Priority areas under study include; land register accuracy and factors limiting registry utilisation, land markets, land disputes, public land management, property valuation, fees and finance, education, and the legal and institutional framework for land administration.

Key services provided

Design and delivery of policy studies, including identifying stakeholders, consulting with stakeholders, selecting study areas, developing and conducting questionnaires and surveys, and presenting these findings at workshops for each of the policy studies. In consultation with stakeholders, develop a National Land Policy Framework document. As project manager, LEI was also responsible for providing effective management of the policy studies component including; ensuring outputs are delivered on time and within budget, ensuring project reporting requirements are met, ensuring quality assurance is maintained, managing team inputs and relations with the Client.

LEI helped the MOP (Ministry of Planning) to introduce reforms in land administration and management by building consensus on land issues and formulating a national land policy framework (NLPF) accompanied by an action-plan for implementation. We were responsible for helping the MOP to consolidate the regulatory framework governing land administration and enact a new land law.

A total of nine policy studies were conducted on Land Law; Institutional Strengthening; Land Registration; Land Disputes; Public and Municipal Land Management; Valuation; Fees and Finance; Educational Strengthening; and Land Markets.

The key findings and recommendations of each of the policy studies were presented to one or more key stakeholder workshops. They were then incorporated into a NLPF. The NLPF sets out the policy context for reform, major land issues to be addressed, and a policy framework including long term vision, objectives, principles, and a strategic approach. Supporting the development of the framework, a number of key policy statements and the enabling legislative and institutional environment were developed.

The land policy framework was developed based on the following principles of good governance:

  • Equity – land policies were developed to support equitable solutions for all Palestinians; an equitable system deals fairly and impartially with individuals and groups providing non-discriminatory access to records and services
  • Efficiency – LEI worked with the MOP to develop capacity to formulate policy and implement it efficiently by delivering services of a high quality and predictably in accordance with published laws, rules and regulations
  • Accountability – LEI worked with MOP to develop legislation and regulations which; discourage rent seeking; support diligent and objective service by public officials; ensure transparent budgeting; provide for the delivery of services that citizens want and need; and balance economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations.

The land policy studies were undertaken with a strong focus on stakeholder consultation and participation. Over 10 workshops were held with at least one workshop following the preparation of each ploicy study to discuss key findings and recommendations. These workshops were typically video-conferences to ensure active involvement of stakeholders in both West Bank and Gaza.

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