
30 Sep 2016

Capacity building and team development in Indonesia

Posted30 Sep 2016

Capacity building and team development in Indonesia

The live-in course provided participants with the opportunity to learn how GIS can support spatial planning in the target districts. It has also enabled them to meet new colleagues with whom they can share information and ideas in the future.
On completion of the training, participants return to their districts and, together with the PMaP2 GIS Technician, support on-the-job training for other government staff and non-government organisations.
The broad aim of PMaP2 is to strengthen the capacity of the government to develop better spatial plans and to raise awareness in the community of the importance of spatial planning. To support these outcomes, the PMaP2 team is conducting a series of spatial planning workshops for local government staff, in addition to “socialisation” workshops for the wider community so members of the public understand the value of being involved in the spatial planning process and how they can contribute. These workshops are being conducted in all nine project districts. Using a participatory approach, discrepancies and gaps in spatial plans are identified and discussed, as are plans to rectify these areas.
Information is shared among agencies and the public. Issues (such as monitoring and enforcement of spatial plans) are discussed and the public engaged to help achieve project goals. The workshops have received high praise from all participants so far and will continue until the end of October 2016.

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